safety documents and resources from Arrow Safety in Glasgow, KY

Here are various safety documents that are free to download and utilize for your convenience.

ANSI Z49.1:2021, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes

Fall Protection Plan (Template)

  • Required by OSHA 1926.502(k) for certain employees engaged in leading edge work, precast concrete erection work, or residential construction work), but always a best practice for all workers exposed to falls from heights.

Fall Protection Rescue Plan (Template)

  • Required by OSHA, ANSI/ASSP Z359.2-2023 and equipment manufacturers when utilizing a personal fall arrest system (PFAS)
  • Required by ANSI/SAIA A92.22-2018 when working from a mobile elevating work platform (MEWP)

How Opioids Impact Your Employees’ Safety and Your Bottom Line (Infographic)

Check Back Regularly for Any Updated Safety Documents and Other Resources

At Arrow Safety, we pride ourselves on not only being the leading workplace safety consulting company in the South Central Kentucky region, but also on our ability to educate business owners and employees. Keeping up to date with laws, regulations, and industry best practices are essential for maintaining a successful culture in your work environment that prioritizes safety as a core value.

We strive to provide a service for our clients that lasts beyond the initial trainings and audits. We want to be a beacon of positivity for the community, both locally and internationally. If there is any way that we can help you make your business a safer place for your employees, please contact us.

If there are any safety documents, guidelines, or other resources that you are looking for that you do not see above, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and we will do our best to find what you need.

Contact Us Today to Ensure You’re Adhering to Safety Best Practices

We’re here to make sure you have every tool at your disposal in order to make your business a safe place to work! Fill out the form below to reach out to us and we’ll get in touch with you within 24-48 hours. We’re looking forward to working with you!

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